Michelle Holcomb
District Governor 2024-2025


Michelle Holcomb will serve as the District Governor for 2024-2025

  • Michelle has been a member of The Rotary Club of Fountain Hills since 2010 and served as club president in 2015-16, 2016-17, co-president in 2018-19 and again in 2021-22.
  • She has served as a District 5495 Assistant Governor for 2019-21 and is currently serving her third year as an AG.
  • She is a graduate of the Rotary Leadership Institute and PETS.
  • She is a member of the American Legion Auxiliary and Pinnacle Presbyterian Church.
  • Her achievements outside of Rotary include serving on the Rio Verde Community Association Board of Directors for six years, chairing the Rio Verde Architectural Committee for six years and helping form the Fountain Hills Business Alliance.
  • Michelle’s 27-year real estate career has expanded to include a contracting business which she and her husband, Gary, enjoy working together.
  • Golf and gardening are her favorite leisure time activities.